Below are a number of guiding principles and concepts from E-Sports that were key to beginning their revolutionary inclusive sports program. Each item is also linked to more info about the given area on the website. These principles should provide a helpful and instructive roadmap to getting started!
Inclusion – Guiding philosophy and conviction
Needs – Address both typical & special needs
Coaches – Energetic with heart to serve & learn
- Value in volunteering
- Great volunteer coaches – The “X Factor” of E-Sports
- Power of inclusive coach-player friendships
Leadership – Coordinators, head coaches “all in”
Understanding – Training on different special needs
- Coaching a child with Down Syndrome
- Coaching a child with ADD/ADHD
- Coaching a child with Autism/Aspergers
Drills – Adapting for different challenges & needs
- See the three links above…re specific adaptations for different needs
- Energize – keeping the kids captivated
- Engage – getting inside the kids’ world
- Expect – expressing belief and vision – the “just-right challenge”
- Encourage – power of rewards and accessing parents as your #1 ally
Make sure to read more about E-Sports as well as its history and impact globally.