Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Domestic Abuse Survivor Helps Save Others Through Social Media
Natasha Tofa is a blogger and a domestic abuse survivor who took her story to social media. She received such an overwhelming response from people in similar situations that she decided to start helping people who reached out to her. She provides advice and helps get women in contact with the help they need to change their situation. Watch this incredible video to learn more.
Blind Man Starts School for Children with Disabilities
Tatang is a blind man living in Indonesia. He learned braille and received a degree in anthropology. He knows how hard it can be for children with disabilities and saw that there were not many schools for people with special needs. With the help of his brother, he converted his home into a school for children with special needs. Watch the short video highlighting his story.
Technological Training for Sudanese Refugees
Peter Batali founded CTEN (Community Technology Empowerment Network), which provides South Sudanese refugees with access to computers and training through 24-hour access to the internet. They set up in the middle of the refugee camp and have collaborated with various NGO’s to offer this service to the people. Watch this video to learn about all the impact CTEN is making.
Xbox Adaptive Controller Can Be Unpacked By Anyone
Microsoft’s new adaptive Xbox controller for people with disabilities goes above and beyond to allow anyone with different abilities to be able to play games. They even provide accessible packaging so that their users can be sure to open the package and enjoy the controller. Click here to read more about it.
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!