Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Youth-founded NGO Takes Kids Off the Streets in Nigeria

James Okina is an 18-year-old who founded Street Priests, an NGO that helps get homeless kids off the streets in Nigeria. They partner with other organizations and offer “free tutoring, a nutrition program, and information about substance abuse.” James goes to the University of Calabar and runs the business with other students. He has already helped many kids get off the streets and plans to reach thousands of kids by expanding to more parts of the country. Read the whole story here.
Fifth-Graders Campaign to Rename Chicago Park
The Village Leadership Academy fifth-graders are on a mission to change the name of Douglas Park to Douglass Park. They are petitioning and getting signatures, “renaming it for former slave and groundbreaking orator Frederick Douglass rather than one-time U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas.” These kids find it disrespectful to have a park named after someone that owned slaves. There has been much youth-lead activism lately and it is inspiring to see kids making a difference. Click here to read the full story of these fifth graders.
5 Innovations Changing the Global Energy Crisis for Billions of People
Globally, 1.3 billion people live without electricity, with an astounding 97 percent living in Sub-Saharan Africa and rural Asia. This creates major problems in education, manufacturing, and retail among others. Fortunately, in the next decade there are innovations being rolled out that will “electrify Africa”. Companies like Tesla, Off-Grid Electric, and many more are significantly changing the industry. Read the whole story of these dynamic companies here.
Volunteers Making Home Renovation Look Easy
Garden City Housing paints and replaces people’s floors as well as whatever else needs work in the house. The 11-member crew helps out the elderly and those who otherwise don’t have the means to fix up their homes. Read the full story here.
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