Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Veteran Helping Puerto Rico Four Months After Maria

Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico four months ago leaving many residents homeless or living without electricity. Jason Maddy, an Iraq War veteran, has been volunteering to help those in need. He started his own nonprofit called Veteran Disaster Relief and, after a social media post went viral, he was able to get more volunteers to help his cause. Watch the incredible video capturing all the good he is doing for his fellow Americans.
Teen Foundation Helping Raise Up Young Philanthropists
Josh Herz, 18, serves on the leadership committee of the Jewish Teen Foundation. It launched in 2014 and has raised nearly $60,000 for causes including mental health, at-risk youth and human rights for women and children. Reflecting on his experience with the foundation, Josh said, “It showed me how far other people are willing to go to help others…It reinforced the idea that helping repair the world is never going to go away. There will always be people who are extremely devoted and prepared to do whatever it takes to help others.” Read the full story, and see how these teens are making a tremendous impact all over the world.
5th Graders Take Action for Elderly Couple After Hearing of Injustice 60 Years Prior
Gilbert and Grace Caldwell were married 60 years ago. On their honeymoon they experienced racial injustice, being turned away from a hotel where they had reservations because of their skin color. They joined the civil rights movement, worked with Martin Luther King Jr. and have been speaking up about racial injustice ever since. They recently gave a lecture at an elementary school to 5th graders who were especially impacted by their story. The class wrote letters to the hotel that turned the couple away 60 years prior, asking for an all-expenses-paid second honeymoon, and their request was granted. Read the whole story here.
A Social Media Post Goes Viral to Save a Father’s Life
Sixty-year-old Robert Leibowitz was suffering from chronic kidney disease and was desperate for a donor match. While on a family vacation at Disney World, the single father of five wore a t-shirt with a phone number and the blood type he needed. A couple snapped a picture and posted it on social media. It was shared 90,000 times in the first week on Facebook. He found a match and is now recovering safely at the hospital after his successful surgery! Read the whole story here.
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!