Only The Good Stuff!

Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!

Train Stations in Japan Reduce Suicide Rates by 84%

Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world with many occurring at train stations in places like Tokyo. They decided to implement blue lights in many stations across the country to subtly influence people’s moods for the better. Thanks to research and the work of Richard Thaler, behavioral economist, who was awarded the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize for pioneering the “nudge theory.” “The theory posits that gentle nudges can subtly influence people towards decisions in their own (or society’s) best interests.” Japan has adopted this theory in more ways than one and are seeing amazing results. Read the whole article here.

Highly Effective Lobbyist Who Happens to Have Down Syndrome

Kayla McKeon is the first registered Capitol Hill lobbyist with down syndrome. She influences members of congress while working for National Down Syndrome Society. She was able to “get a bill signed into law in December that allows people with disabilities to save greater amounts of money without penalty to their Medicaid benefits.” Read the whole story here.


College Student Starts Tutoring Company For Underprivileged Kids

Darine El Houfi, 21-year-old college student, started tutoring kids in the Netherlands who could not afford a tutor. He grew up struggling in school and his parents could not afford a tutor for him. He now has two tutoring facilities and started a tutoring company with a goal of helping families of all socioeconomic backgrounds and particularly immigrant families. So far he has helped over 100 students and plans to keep expanding. Watch the video and read the whole story here.

Doctor in Peru Opens Free Shelter For Families Undergoing Medical Treatment

Dr. Ricardo Pun-Chong started a nonprofit in Lima, Peru that offers free housing and food for families while their kids receive medical treatment. The doctor saw there was a need for this, as many families traveled to Lima from remote villages and often slept at the hospital because they could not afford places to stay. Watch this video to see the impact he is making on families in need.

Inspired to do good yourself? 

Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!