Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Teen Activist Provides Free Water Bottles to Flint Residents

Flint has been in a four-year water crisis, and one of the brightest most helpful people in their community is a 10-year-old activist, Little Miss Flint. She has recently partnered with Michigan-based charity Pack Your Back to raise $50,000 through crowdfunding in order to provide 200,000 water bottles to residents. The state’s governor just stopped a state-funded program that was providing free water bottles to residents. Read the full story here.
Miss America to Focus on Empowerment, Scrapping Its Swimsuit Competition
The Miss America competition has been around for many years and left many women, even crowned winners, feeling unknown for who they really are. The organization now has all female board leaders who are focused on empowering these women by getting rid of the swimsuit and evening gown competition and replacing them with live interviews with judges about their passions, intelligence, and goals. Watch the video here.
Biodegradable ‘Bee Saving Paper’ Could Do Just That
A Polish startup has come up with an amazing solution to help bees survive winter months. They create this product with a special sugar and water, which is perfect for the bees, and have come up with an ingenious way of making the bees attracted to their product. Watch the video and read more here.
Students Create Affordable Solutions For People With Disabilities
The Inclusion Engineering Project pairs middle school and high school “engineering students with real-life clients from the district’s special education programs. For the second straight year, the project has tasked teens with designing accessible products for fellow students with disabilities.” Every prototype is built with just a $35 budget. Read the whole story here to see what these students dreamed up.
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