Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Students Spend 200 Hours Making Halloween Costume for Disabled Girl
Students from Virginia Commonwealth University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry got together to do something amazing. After meeting 16-year old Alex Hayes, who has a chromosomal mutation, the VCU students partnered with the nonprofit Magic Wheelchairs to trick her wheelchair out, based on her love for farm animals. Check out their incredible creation and how elated she and her family were as a result.
Teen Passionate About Health Is Helping Kids Eat Better
A former sugar fanatic, Elias Rosenthal, watched a documentary about the bitter effects of sugar and started to make changes in his own diet. Now he is helping other teens through social media, two websites, contests, school clubs and field trips. Click here to read how this kid is setting the example for his peers and educating them as well.
Police Officer Helps Little Boy Have an Unforgettable Birthday Celebration
Officer Darryl Robinson of the Green Bay Police Department responded to a call of a boy being left alone without a ride home after school. To make things worse, it was the boy’s 8th birthday. After getting permission from his grandparents, the officer treated the boy to some joyriding in his cruiser and a classic happy meal celebration. Read the full story of how this officer saved the day for this kid.
How One Woman Is Making a Difference with the Digital Divide in Education
Oscar-nominated director Rory Kennedy created a documentary called “Without a Net: The Digital Divide In America”, which looks at the major disparities of internet and technology access in American education. Lower income schools do not have the same access as more well-off areas, and this is creating problems for these children’s future in a growing technological world. Learn more about this issue and watch the full documentary here for free.
Missing Woman Found After 42 Years
In 1975, Flora Stevens went missing after being dropped off at her doctor’s appointment. Due to her condition and not having any remaining family alive, it did not make it easy for her to be found. Nevertheless, after 42 years she finally has been. See the incredible true story here.
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!