Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Skype Speech Therapy for Families with Special Needs Kids

The MIND Institute of UC Davis is performing a speech therapy study for families of children with special needs. Three times a week, Kristen Lundstrom speaks with a therapist via Skype to learn ways to draw out her son Tyson, who has fragile X syndrome. “Talking to families participating in the study through Skype reduces the burden and expense of travel, making the study more accessible to people who live in areas without a lot of access to speech services.” Read all about how families are seeing more improvement in their kids through this non-traditional method of therapy.
Moscow Giving People Free Subway Tickets in Exchange for Exercise
Moscow is providing people with a financial incentive to get more exercise by providing subway tickets to passengers who will do 30 squats. This squat tracking ticket machine was set up during the 2014 Olympics and it is starting to trend again as they encourage people to remain active and healthy. Watch this video of how it works.
Man in Siberia Picks Up Trash to Inspire Others to Do Good
A 33 year-old man spends his days cleaning up trash in the coldest city on the planet and giving food to people in need. After having an accident that led to him having multiple brain surgeries and being in a coma for a month, he decided to spend his days serving people in his community. Watch the video of this local hero here.
9-Year-Old Girl Pro Skateboarder Inspires Underprivileged Girls Around the Globe
Sky is the youngest pro skater in the world. She is inspiring girls all over by spending her time traveling to different countries and reaching out to kids in poverty. She has started several fundraisers for those in need and is already advocating and empowering girls everywhere. Watch the video of her shredding here.
Inspired to do good yourself?
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