Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Sexual Assault Survivor Starts Nonprofit to Protect Other Victims’ Rights

Amanda Nguyen rewrote the national law to protect sexual assault survivors like her. She is a rape survivor that saw there was a broken system needing fixing. In 2014, Amanda started a nonprofit called Rise to protect the rights of sexual assault survivors. The nonprofit has helped pass 14 laws so far and spread across 48 states and 4 different countries. Watch the video highlighting Amanda and her incredible story of impact.
Organization Fighting for Socially Excluded and Marginalized Citizens
Exeko is an amazing organization whose goal is to include those “who are the most excluded in our societies—the poor, members of indigenous groups, and others…”, those who are “not only materially and institutionally but also culturally and intellectually marginalized.” They have brought together over 400 partners across all sectors to work on this issue. Exeko delivers “Intellectual Food Trucks” carrying books and art, promoting discussions and creativity. They also run different workshops at homeless shelters and other places including innovation labs, where excluded citizens get to be co-researchers of this important issue. Read the whole article here.
Scientists in UK Create Building Materials from Dirt
Scientists at the University of Bath in the UK are turning dirt into construction material. They are using a method called geopolymerization which transforms subsoil using very little energy and heat. Cement and brick are made using extremely high temperatures, which is polluting the environment. Watch the video of this ingenious solution.
Nike Creates New Shoes Designed for People with Disabilities
Nike has started their FlyEase collection which are shoes designed for adults and children with various disabilities. Recently the giant company consulted with Justin Gallegos, a University of Oregon track club member who has cerebral palsy. They designed a shoe that could meet his needs in a race complete with straps and zippers instead of laces and extra support where he needs it most. Click here to see the full line-up of shoes they have to offer for people with special needs.
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!