Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Mom, Daughter with Down Syndrome Win $45,000 in Cooking Contest
Luciana Malkomes and daughter Gabby, a 5 year-old with Down Syndrome, won the Uncle Ben’s Beginners Cooking Competition. They were able to take home $15,000 for their family and won $30,000 to renovate Gabby’s school cafeteria. Read the full story here.
100 Year-Old Man Throws Holiday Party for Underprivileged Children
Anthony Pomerleau threw a $13,000 party for underprivileged children for the holidays. As a tradition that started 37 years ago, he has served over 40,000 children. Watch the incredible heart of this man that hasn’t faded with age.
Teddy Bear Toss at Hockey Game for Charity
The Calgary Hitmen hockey team have collected nearly 348,000 stuffed toys over the past 23 years at their annual Teddy Bear Toss. The toys are distributed to local agencies, which in turn give them to children. Watch the amazing video of teddy bears filling the ice rink.[/mks_one_half]
375 Sensory Friendly Santa Events Take Place Nationwide
Thanks to Autism Speaks and many other advocacy organizations, this sensory friendly Santa experience can be enjoyed by children with special needs. The program started in 2011 but has grown because of high demand and increased awareness of the special needs community. “Families register in advance to see Santa, and the visits take place before malls and stores open to lessen any anxiety the sounds and sights of the season may bring.”
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!