Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Man Transforms Into Batman For Kids In Need

Shamus is a father and a comic book fan who was driving back from work one day when he accidentally struck a kid with his car. Fortunately, the child was ok and he was not found at fault for the accident. After learning that the kid’s favorite superhero was Batman, he decided to buy a costume to encourage the kid as he recovered from his injuries. Since then he has been visiting children ever since in the costume to bring joy to those in need. Click here to watch the video highlighting the story.Watch the video and see the full story here.
Couple Gets Surprise Donation from 200 Strangers For Cancer Treatment
A woman who was recently diagnosed with cancer, had no insurance to cover medical bills, so her and her husband were looking to raise money through Gofundme. They decided to film a video for their campaign at a cafe but were surprised by the group called Praynksters who arranged for 200 people to show up and donate on over $13,000 total. Watch the video here.
Possible First Native American Women To Serve in Congress
Deb Haaland is a member of the Pueblo of Laguna, in New Mexico. She is running for Congress in hopes of being the first Native American woman in history to serve in Congress. She will be a voice not only for Native Americans but also for all working class people. Watch this video to hear how she plans on making a difference.
A Man Planted a Forest Bigger Than Central Park
This man started planting a forest in 1979. It has now grown well beyond the size of Central Park and he is still planting. His hope is to keep his island the way it should be and combat deforestation. Watch the video here.
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!