Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Keyboard Empowers Girls Through Predictive Text
Plan International developed a keyboard or “Sheboard” for Android phones that uses predictive text to suggest “gender neutral language and diverse words — for example, suggesting “achiever” instead of “princess” to remind girls and women of their full potential.”
“The language we use and gendered norms have a particularly profound impact on the agency and empowerment of girls and on their expectations for their future,” Sheboard stated.
A recent study showed that “by the age of 6, girls were more likely to categorize boys as ‘really, really smart’ and categorize themselves as ‘nice’.” The Sheboard is meant to “start a conversation around language associated with gender stereotypes and encourage a new mind frame around girls and their abilities.” Read more about this innovative way to spark change.
High School Freshman Teaches Kids with Autism How to Swim
According to the National Autism Association accidental drowning accounts for 90% of deaths for children with autism. Tara Harmon is a competitive swimmer at her high school, and after learning about this great need, she decided to help by teaching kids with special needs about water safety. Read all about her heart to use her talent in helping others.
Man in India Gets Famous by Creating Sanitary Pad for Women
This man is changing the lives of millions of women in India. He created an affordable sanitary pad for women after learning that his wife and many others were resorting to less sanitary methods of dealing with menstruation, which is a taboo topic in India. He is now a Bollywood star because his story has been adapted into a film. Watch the video of his whole story here.
New York City Gets Vending Machines for the Homeless
Huzaifah Khaled, founder of the British Charity Action, came up with the idea while getting his Ph.D. at Cambridge. While traveling by train to study, he encountered many homeless people along his route. These vending machines that started out in the small town of Nottingham, England, are now available in New York City. Homeless people can access them up to three times a day by using electric key cards. Khaled said, “We want to actually encourage and funnel attention to local services because that is really the only way for homelessness to be curbed altogether.”
Inspired to do good yourself?
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