Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Growing Algae for Food, Jobs, and a Better Planet
Saumil Shah is the founder of EnerGaia, a company that grows the microalgae spirulina that has become a popular “superfood” in recent years. In more than a thousand bioreactor tanks across Thailand, Singapore, and India, they have been helping farmers produce spirulina for personal consumption and for profit. The company has used various underutilized urban spaces that filtered carbon dioxide from the air to grow spirulina while also helping business better utilize the space and help the environment. Read about this clean and very green business here.
ER Doctor Saves Youth Before They Reach the ER
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, homicide is the #1 cause of death for black men ages 15 to 34.” Dr. Rob Gore is an ER doctor who decided to look at violence as a public health problem and started addressing it. He started a nonprofit providing “anti-violence programs in the hospital, schools and broader community, serving more than 250 young people.” Watch the inspiring video here.
How SF Offers Free College Tuition to Students
The Community College of San Francisco (CCSF) publicly-funded Free City program pays for students’ whole tuition, minus books and other nominal registration fees. The students just have to fill out a one-page form and prove their San Francisco residency. They don’t have to have a certain GPA or fall into a specific income range to enjoy the Free City program. “Tuition funds come from a real estate transfer tax on all commercial and residential buildings in the city sold for more than $5 million.” The school has given out over $2 million and has seen a 17% increase in enrollment which is due, at least in part, to the free tuition. Learn all about how the city is creating opportunities for those who otherwise could not afford to go to college.
North Carolina’s Project Lazarus Is Helping Opioid Crisis
Project Lazarus is a nonprofit “devoted to preventing overdose deaths from opioids and helping addicts get their lives back.” For over a decade, this organization has brought harm reduction to North Carolina by “working with medical professionals, law enforcement, schools, and researchers.” The CDC declared in 2011 that we have an opioid epidemic in the US, but since then things haven’t gotten any better. Project Lazarus uses naloxone, a drug that can halt an opioid overdose by binding to opioid receptors in the brain. “It jolts the user awake, reversing their high and throwing them straight into withdrawal. It’s an unpleasant experience for the user, but it saves lives—if it is administered in time.” Read about the organization and all the impact it has made so far.
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