Only The Good Stuff
Daily “Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Bob Is Not Slow. Bob is Fast, Very Fast
Whatever assumptions you may have about people with special needs, are about to change. Bob is the first person with down syndrome to climb the Grand Teton. Read about his incredible journey to the summit.
#NationalDownSyndromeSociety #SpecialNeeds #NoLimits #Climb #GoodNews
Not Your Average Cat Video
If you love animals and like Texans at all, then these animal rescue videos might just make you cry.
#AnimalRescue #CatVideos #HoustonStrong #HopeforHouston #TexasStrong #HarveyHeroes #Harvey #RebuildTexas #GoodNews
Solar Power Just As it Should Be…Free
Renewable energy company, Solarplicity, installs solar panels for 800,000 low-income homes in UK for free! That’s a ton of Solar power!
#TechDoingGood #Solar #LowIncome #Sustainable #FootPrint #GoodNews
When Heavy Metal Gives Back
Father of late Metallica bassist, Cliff Burton, is using his son’s royalty checks to quietly fund high school music scholarships. Rock on grandpa, rock on.
#Metallica #LifeMetal #Scholarship #Philanthropy #GoodNews
Bridging The Tech Gap
Learn how this nonprofit is focused on expanding the representation of minorities in tech. They are helping youth, in low-income communities, use technology to solve social issues.
#TechDoingGood #HackTheHood #NonProfit #GoodNews
Inspired to do good yourself? Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!