Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Cafe Is Saving Lives Through Mental Health First Aid

This cafe has all its baristas trained in mental health first aid. They start conversations, not offering professional care, but rather point people to resources and give them a safe place to talk. The cafe gives 100% of its profits to suicide prevention and mental health education. The United States suicide rates are on the rise and a cafe with a mission like this is so important and needed. Watch this video to learn more.
Costa Rica Plans To Ban Fossil Fuels By 2021
The new president of Costa Rica has announced that his goal is to ban fossil fuels from their economy in the next few years. The country is already running almost entirely on renewable energy sources, except automobiles still pose the biggest challenge. It is a very ambitious plan, but inspiring nonetheless. Watch this video to see more about this small country with big goals.
Charity Develops Shoe For Children That Can Grow 5 Sizes
The charity Because International developed a shoe that can expand up to 5 sizes. It was created specifically for children in the poorest parts of the world. The shoes are meant to last more than 5 years, compared to the typical donated shoes that kids outgrow within a year. Watch this video to learn more about the impact they are having.
School in Puerto Rico Running As Normal Thanks To Solar Power
Hurricane Maria has ravaged Puerto Rico with many parts of the country still lacking electricity nearly a year later. The companies Pura Energia and Sonnen installed solar panels and battery storage units at an elementary school, bringing the power back and providing normalcy for a community. Watch the incredible video here.
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