Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
Artist Transforms Hateful Graffiti Into Friendly Street Art

Ibo Omari is a Berlin artist who was disgusted by all the hateful swastika graffiti he saw in his city. He rallied various local artists to take to the street and create friendly, positive works of art from something negative. Click here to see some of the clever transformative pieces they put up.
Viral Video Gives Boy with One Arm Hope and a Role Model
Jayce Crowder is an elementary school boy who started to feel discouraged and angry about being born with only one arm. His mom Cortney saw a viral video of an eighth-grader with one arm, Trashaun Willis from Washington, Iowa, dunking a basketball. She was overjoyed and reached out to the Willis family. Trashaun befriended and became a perfect role model for her son Javce. Read the full story here.
Two High School Girls Raise Thousands of Dollars for Women’s Shelter
15-year-old Courtney Brumley and 16-year-old Avery Palacios wanted to do something benefitting women as a project for their school. They decided to launch a donation drive for the Montgomery County Women’s Center helping victims of domestic violence through a wide range of services. They thought they would collect a few boxes worth of donations, but word of their project spread and their donations filled 3 car loads worth thousands of dollars. Read about the incredible project here.
Comedy TV Show Sheds Light On Raising Kids with Special Needs
Guzin Kurun is a mother of two twin boys with autism. She created a show called “Surprisingly Complicated” that accurately portrays what it is like to raise kids with special needs. “I think autism is shown in the media as either savants having an ailment or as a disability that is very dark. I think there’s a need for ‘Surprisingly Complicated’ because special needs families are not represented on television. My series helps normalize autism and represents that the day-to-day struggle is real, but you can still laugh.” The show can now be streamed on Amazon Prime, Youtube, and Vimeo.
Inspired to do good yourself?
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