Only The Good Stuff!

Daily “Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!

Can Elon Revolutionize Education?

The newest Global Learning XPRIZE, funded by Elon Musk, whose goal is to help some 250 million kids who don’t have access to primary or secondary education by providing “learning software” so they can “teach themselves how to read, write and do math within 15 months.” Read about the 5 finalists and the technologies they utilize for the prize to revolutionize education as we know it.

94 Year Old Gets Surprise Birthday Party

This 94-year-old WWII veteran gets the surprise of his life when his local community decides to shower him with gifts and appreciation. See why this man is so loved by his community.

Speak Up To Silence The Violence

Nicole Kidman speaks out against domestic abuse and violence and has been involved with the nonprofit, Futures Without Violence for 6 years. See what she has to say and help spread awareness on this issue.

The Father-Daughter Duo to End Homelessness

The Block Project is an effort started by this duo that is truly innovative, inspiring and life-changing.  They are building homes or “blocks” for homeless people in homeowners backyards.  Watch how this amazing project is impacting lives in Washington state.

More Haircuts For Kids on The Spectrum

Hairdresser Kelly Muzio has come up with a clever and helpful way to relieve the anxiety that children with special needs can face when getting a haircut.  Click here to learn how she is cutting kids hair on her farm in Fresno, California.

Inspired to do good yourself? 

Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!