Only The Good Stuff!
“Good News” articles to provide you with inspiration and hope that there is still good in the world. People from all walks of life are making an impact by doing good, and so can you!
23-Year-Old Inspires Indonesian President to Clean the World’s Dirtiest River
Gary and his brother grew up on the island of Bali and were saddened by the amount of plastic and garbage they saw accumulate on the island. They decided to start Make A Change World, a media outlet documenting exhibitions they go on, to make a change in the world. They decided to paddle 36 miles down the Citarum River, a waterway over 20 million people rely on for many agricultural and domestic purposes. They documented their journey and highlighted community-based initiatives and people who work to restore the river. The Indonesian president saw the footage and was so moved by the film that he made a promise to have the river be drinkable in seven years. Watch the video of the brothers and read the full story here.
Students with Special Needs Serve Coffee and Learn Life Skills
Heather Hopkins is a 7th-grade teacher at Poquoson Middle School who started Cool Beans Cafe in order to teach her students with special needs life skills and independence. The cafe is run in the classroom, and the students now run the whole thing themselves, making coffee and selling it to the teaching staff for a dollar a cup. Read the whole story here to see how this innovative idea is impacting these kids for the better.
Heroic Imagination Project Creating Everyday Heroes
Dr. Philip Zimbardo, a former professor at Stanford, is now teaching people how they can be everyday heroes by changing their mind and taking action to lend a helping hand when they see a need or someone in trouble. Watch the video here and see how students are responding.
Bus Driver Styles Girl’s Hair After Her Mom Dies
11-year-old Isabella Pieri did not have anyone who could do her hair like her mom used to. After her mom passed away from a rare illness, Isabella’s dad took over the role of both parents but came up short in the hair styling department. One day the girl noticed the school bus driver helped another girl with her braid and so she asked if she could help with her hair. The bus driver was happy to help and has been styling Isabella’s hair ever since. Read the heartwarming story here.
Inspired to do good yourself?
Send us your own “Good News” story and be a part of the Project Doing Good movement. Or you can do good by simply sharing this or any of our content that you feel will help brighten someone’s day and inspire them!